Be inspired to clean your house with this pretty cleaning caddy!
Cleaning the house is not my favorite thing to do. I decided to make this chore a little more fun with a pretty cleaning caddy!
Now that I have a pretty cleaning caddy to carry around with me, cleaning the house is a little more fun! I certainly need all of the help I can get when it comes to cleaning.
My cleaning caddy only has a few basic supplies in it, so it was pretty easy and quick to put together. I like to keep my cleaning supplies to a minimum so they are as easy as possible to use. That way, I will actually clean the house!
I started with a basic caddy that I bought from Wal-Mart. It was in the classroom supply area, but it ended up working perfectly as my cleaning caddy. There were a few different colors to choose from, but I chose this pretty blue color.
The next step was to add a fun label! I recently bought a Cricut after wanting one for a VERY long time! I used it a few times to cut paper, but I had been wanting to try using vinyl. A label for the cleaning caddy seemed like the perfect first vinyl project.
It turned out to be much easier than I expected! After doing some practice cuts on paper to make sure I got the correct size, I cut some white vinyl into the word “CLEAN”. Then I used some transfer tape to put the label on the caddy.
And that was it! My almost 3-year-old daughter even had fun helping me load the cutting mat into the machine. Hopefully that means she will want to help me label more items in the house!
The next step was to fill the caddy up with some cleaning supplies.
I only keep a few basic supplies that I use all of the time in this cleaning caddy. This includes all-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, floor cleaner, castile soap, and some microfiber cloths
I make the all-purpose cleaner and glass cleaner at home. These spray bottles have been working great for me for a long time.
Looking at this pretty cleaning cabby makes me smile. Since it didn’t take very long to make, it was a very easy way to make cleaning the house just a little more fun!
Do you have a cleaning caddy? Have you labeled anything recently?
Have a great day!
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Great idea! Nothing like cleaning in style 😉
Thank you! It definitely makes cleaning a little more fun.